I have always thought of Kyle as the more quiet one of our two boys. This only pertains to conversing, not in boyish loudness. But, after 4 weeks with Kyle when Aiden is at school, I have changed my mind. That boy can talk! I guess he has been stifled all these years. Usually Aiden is talking a blue streak and you hear Kyle say "Yeah!" or "What?" or "Right!" And not too much else. He has been making up for lost time over the last few weeks. Here are some samples of a normal conversation with Kyle:
Mom what happens if the sun falls out of the sky? Does God have a gun? What happens if we all fall in the water? No, not swimming, if we fall. That big cloud is chasing that tiny one! It is going zoom fast like this. Mom I have to go poo-poo really bad, hurry it is almost coming out!!! Oh never mind, it is only gas. I can transform Spiderman. Mom, is this you and Daddy's song? (he takes a breath) Mom, what happens if a water tower falls down? Does it drown? Look! A horse cloud! Be quiet mom, I want to hear that airplane! Ryleigh you k? You k baby sister? Mom, look Ryleigh lovbs me. Mom, I lovb you. I lovb you 60, 200. You lovb me that much? That is a lot. I lovb you millions. Mom, how do you spell cart? Mom, how do you spell cart? Mom, how do you spell cart? Mom, I want milk and yogurt. Mom, what does 678 spell? Smell this book, it smells like candy. Do you think it smells good? He says off of this while moving in rapid motion. From doing somersaults on the floor, to standing on his head to climbing the door frame or jumping off the stairs.