We made it to the end. We survived the hardest duty station in the Corps. We did it. We didn't drown, even though we felt like we were going to on more than one occasion. We wondered many times if we were going to make it through these last 3 years, in some ways it is hard to believe that it is over. Yet, it seems like we have been here a lifetime. We have learned a lifetime of lessons here, we leave here stronger because we survived something tough, together. Today is the last training day. Tomorrow is family day, then graduation on Friday.
Saturday we get Daddy back. After 3 1/2 years we will get to spend weekends and evenings together on a regular basis. I am not sure I will know how to act. But, I won't get too comfortable, January brings another 3 - 9 month separation. So is life in the military. So is the price of a free country. Thank you to our family who has supported us through this time. I don't know what I would have done without someone to talk to on all the lonely nights and weekends when Jason had to work.

And thanks to Jason, he never lost sight of what was most important, family. Even though he was "god" at work to hundreds of recruits, he immediately became husband and daddy when he walked through our door. He understood that he could make grown men jump with one word but it didn't work at home! :)
I thought this day would never come. Goodbye DI cover. You will not be missed.
Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!!! I'm right there with you! SO GLAD to see this day and know that it's over! So proud of BOTH of you! The Marines are a great group to belong to for alot of reasons, but glad DI duty is OVER! We rejoice with you and would love to throw you a party-if you were here! We love you!
I looked at those young Marines faces this evening and can't believe that this is my last platoon. I am extremely happy, but hurt because of all of the blood, sweat and tears that I have put into our Marine Corps future men. I think that because I have put so much effort and time into it, it makes that pain that much more. I am truly tired of so many years of yelling my guts out at recruits. I want to "lean back" and enjoy my family before I jump back into the swing of things. I will never be a "regular" Marine again. I special pride in the fact that I have created the world's finest. It has been an opportunity of a life-time. If someone would ask if I would do it all over again, I would still say "No way!" I have sacrificed my family for this Corps, so now it is time to give back to them as much as I can before the Marines throw me into something else soon here. Thanks Erin, Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh for all of the support. I know that we have had some troubled times because of this crazy job, but I AM BACK!
Today was Family Day and tomorrow is the REAL END! Enjoy your time with your parents, Jas! Know you're SO happy to have them see the LAST graduation! We're with you all in spirit!
congrats Ports! i pray you get uninterrupted time as a family to regroup after such a tough duty station!
wow, I sense a lot of emotion behind that post. Congratulations Ports, and thank you for the sacrifices you have made for our country!
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