Aiden's first week of school went great. Each night he would say "Don't forget to wake me up in the morning Mom!" I said I would, and he would say "Promise?" I never had to though, he was always up by 6:45 a.m. ready to go. He came home each night full of stories and wanting to do homework. And even though he didn't have any, I would have to make some up. One day he got "lost" going from the classroom to the cafeteria and he told me a "lady with a neck really high up and a purse" helped him find his way back. I am assuming this means a tall woman. But, who knows with Aiden. His "best buddy and friend" is named Patrick. Patrick's mom is named Ashley (he couldn't remember his dad's name) and he lives in South Carolina (imagine that!). Patrick has no brothers, only sisters according to Aiden. He was very surprised to hear that someone could not have a brother. Each day we find new things out about Patrick. I wonder what Patrick's parents are learning about us? :} I am looking forwarding to meeting them. One day he told me "Mom, there is a girl named Riley in my class and she is really pretty. On the first day of school she wore a really pretty purple skirt." I asked him if he told her that he had a sister named Ryleigh. He said "I told her all day and she told me to stop telling her that." :) He loved Science Lab and on the day he had music class he sang all afternoon and through dinner.

Picking him up from school. By the way, Riley is the little girl with the skirt on. :) Maybe that is why he is looking in that direction. lol
I can't believe that we have school-aged children already! Kind of sad how fast time flies by when you are having a good time. Aiden sure has been a joy to have in our lives and I trust that we can guide him in the right direction so that he is not swayed by others around him. He sure is cute!
I just love Aiden's descriptions of things! Sure glad he is having such a good time! You may have a budding artist on your hands! Did he learn how to blow that bubble in school?
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