I am sure once you see these pictures I will instantly be classified as a bad mom. I am letting them climb a very tall lamp post. In fact you might even think that I might be encouraging it since I am taking their picture. But, if you happen to have 2 boys close in age, you will realize that I have reached the point of giving in to the fact that boys climb EVERYTHING. Now, if you just have one boy, or boys with a number of years between them, or a boy then a girl or two and then another boy, to you I am a bad mom. I know this from experience. :) Most moms have several heart attacks each visit when they come to our house. Now, moms with boys like I mentioned above, we never even bat an eye when we see things like this. We are used to it, we have become immune to scares such as these. It just happens too often. Our hearts would have given out long ago if we let little things like this bother us. We have to save our freaked out,
"GET DOWN FROM THERE NOW!" voices for very special occasions. When Aiden came in from playing outside one day and informed me he had touched the top of this lamp post, we did have a little talk. I told them I have to be outside if they are going to climb stuff like that. That way if they do fall, at least I can tell the ER doctor that I was standing right there. :{

They moved to a little safer venue and started climbing trees.

From lamp post climbing, to tree climbing, we moved on to baseball. As you can see, Ryleigh had to have a bat and ball too. I love the expression on her face. Like
"Yeah, I am just one of the boys."
After awhile she got tired of such a boy sport and decided to sit on rocks and just look cute.

I love how she backed up to sit on the rocks and folded her hands and leaned forward.

She lost her bow from climbing around in the bushes.

Dirty and happy, that is how we grow them around here.

I had the boys with lots of years in between like you said, but I don't think you're a bad mom AT ALL! Boys HAVE to be boys and climb and shoot and conquer! It's great that you encourage them to be how they were made! No sissies in the Port Family! (probably not even Ryleigh!)
That's too funny. I can't help but read this and remember that every time I went on any adventure with Jason & Joel as kids growing up, it was always a near-death experience somehow. Even fishing in the little city pond between a parking lot and the street. Maybe that gene was passed on? =)
My one boy is only a couple weeks younger than Ryleigh, and I can alerady relate to the boyishness and climbing. Everyone else freaks out about Joey's climbing antics. Love the photos!
Love Kyle's boots in the last picture! =) He should be saving them for when it snows! ;) he he
Erin was always such a cautious child and quietly read books. Couldn't some of those genes passed on to at least one of her children! There IS hope for Ryleigh-she has sat down and looked at books!
It does not snow here!
Gail - I am glad you can relate. It is so hard getting those "I can not believe your child is doing that" stares from other moms. It is a look I have grown very used to seeing. :)
Christian - So true!! Doing anything with J&J always was crazy (still is). They get the craziness quiet honestly. I think I should leave all three of them with Jason and Joel one weekend, just so they can re-live old times. LOL Like my mom I am wondering where mine genes are.....
Dirty and happy is a great combination. Add "tired" to that and you have a recipe for a good night's sleep. If us old folk used up all that energy in a day, I bet we would never have a problem sleeping. I'll pray your energy holds out. I don't know how you keep up with them.
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