Happy Birthday Mom! Here is a picture of me and my mom on one of my birthdays, way back when. I look like I must have just swiped some icing while moms back was turned! :)
(I still have that dress and it now fits Ryleigh! You can see a picture of her it in in one of the Christmas posts.) Thanks mom for the mom that you are to me, to us all. You continue to be a big support and help even from miles away. I appreciate all the advice you give, but only when asked. I appreciate all your medical advice (especially lately with Kyle). I still have a tendency to call you before I even think about calling a Doctor! Thanks for being a wonderful grandmother that our kids adore. I want to be just like you when I grow up.
Here are what the kids had to say when I asked them what they thought about Mom-mom:
Aiden - "
She lets us do fun stuff. She lets us do stuff that you don't let us do. HA! She gives us candy and you don't, a lot. I love her so much I could hug her all day. She takes care of us while you are gone. She's fun to be at her house. I like to play at her house. She is the best grandmom! Happy Birthday Mom-mom!"Kyle - "
I love her and I want to play with her and hug her."Ryleigh - "
I wike her, I wike her!! I want elp her make drink!" (jumping up and down)
We love you and hope you had a great day!
Love, Erin, Jason, Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh
That was so sweet and very funny! The phone call was even funnier! I miss Ryleigh helping with my drink in the morning. I miss their hugs and all the fun noise and laughter! I have a wonderful family!
Happy Birthday Mrs. A! I was disappointed not to see any Aguilars or former A's over christmas =)
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