Ryleigh's actual birthday was a few days after her party, on the 20
th. I know this because I
looked it up on her birth certificate a few months ago. Yes, I actually forgot her birthday. I called the insurance company about something for her and they asked me to confirm her birthday. I gave them a date, they said
"that is not what we have here". "Well you have it wrong" I told them. I know my daughters birthday. Or at least you would think I do. They told me I would have to go into the insurance office on base with her birth
certificate to have it changed. So, I dug it out to do just that. That is when I noticed I had it wrong. Oops. Maybe I should start taking
Ginga Biloba or something.....
We started the day off with hot chocolate with whipped cream on the deck. A favorite with our kiddos and a treat.

She is just a little bit happy. Notice the princess pj's from Megan and Sarah. :)

We saved a few presents and gave them to her that afternoon. She now has Barbies and she loves to brush their hair. :)

She also got a piggy bank. The boys each have one and she is very excited to have one of her own. We gave her some change and she had fun putting it all in her little bank.

We made pink cupcakes later on that afternoon and
decorated them with purple frosting. The boys refused to eat them. Too many
girly colors.
Time for another singing of Happy Birthday. She sang along. :)

I think she likes them. The icing at least. She just licked all the icing off and said she was done. Could have saved myself some trouble and just given her a spoon with a bowl full of icing.