We came home from the beach late afternoon on Sunday and immediately started packing to head up to PA! Unpacked one bag and filled several more. :) The kids and I got up bright and early Monday morning and headed north. My plan was to get up so early that the kids would just go back to sleep for a few hours, ha! Why did I actually think that would work?? I did snap a picture of them when they finally feel asleep around 6:45 a.m. (we left at 4:30 a.m.), but this only lasted for about a 1/2 hour. But we only had a 6 hour drive to
Granddad's house, so it wasn't too bad.

My mom, 2 of my sisters and 1 nephew drove to Maryland to have lunch with our granddad and meet us. It was a nice way to break up the trip! Here is Grandad with his great grand kids.

My mom, with granddad, me and kids.

I love how
Aiden has his book on display in all the pictures. :)

Granddad with 3 of his 10
granddaughters and 4 of his 6 great

We had a fun visit. My kids love this tree. Wish we had one like it in our backyard. The kids would LIVE in it. My mom took the kids after lunch back to her house and let us girls stay and visit with Granddad in peace for a few hours. We had a nice relaxing afternoon on the back porch. So many memories there as a kid. Then we headed up to PA! It was a fun ride with
Chelly and Liz. It is not often that we all get to hang out with each other like that and with only 1 kid between the 3 of us!

Lots more PA pics to come......
Thanks Erin for all the pictures. Enjoyed the visit with all you girls. Brings back memories when g-mom was here. Hope we can do it again soon.
Joey enjoyed the pics too. When I showed him the kids in the tree and said "who is that?" Joey said, "My friends."
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