Since we had all the cousins together while we were home visiting we decided to play photographers and try to get a picture of them all. We thought about taking them somewhere to have it done, but that sounded like a nightmare, so we just experienced the nightmare for ourselves, rather then put someone else through it! :) I really don't know how photographers do it. Getting kids ages 6, 5, 4, 2, 1 and 3 months to all look at the camera, smile and not run away was a huge challenge. But we actually got some great photos! Aimee was doing the actual picture taking, these were just snapped with my camera from behind her. For better shots, check out Chelly's blog.

There they all are, Maddax 3 months, Adam 1, Allie 4, Aiden 7, Ryleigh 2 and Kyle 5. And this is just 3 Aguilar girls married! What will cousin picture taking be like 10 years from now????

Love this one and how Maddax head is just peeking up! Liz did a good job of hiding behind the post and holding him up! Our biggest fear with this picture: the boys deciding to climb up and jump off the bridge.

I love this one!! Just wish you could see that they were sitting at the entrance to a covered bridge.

We are starting to lose it here....

We are growing Aiden's hair out. I think it is a little of rebellion in me growing the boys hair long, trying to look as far from military kids as possible!

Our other long hair little guy. :) Aka - Skater dude.

Ah, such a Ryleigh face.


Really never got it together here.....

One of the last shots we tried and to say the least, these smiles were forced!

Ryleigh chillin' between photos

I love, love, love this one!! We put them all in a line and told them to walk very slowly. It was hysterical. Starting with Adam at the end he just kept going towards the center until they would all be in one big huddle.

What a cute bunch of kids! :)

Aiden was SO careful holding Maddax here. We told him to walk tiny baby steps and he barely moved he walked so slow! He takes his job as biggest cousin quite seriously. :)

I guess by now you have figured I never reached my goal of getting all the pictures up of the PA visit before my family arrived. So lots of pictures ahead, rest of PA, beach visit, Ryleigh's birthday and house projects. But considering I didn't remember we were having company for dinner last night until 30 minutes before they were supposed to arrive, blogging is not looking so good. Desperately seeking a new brain.......
great job, Erin! looking forward to seeing the rest of your pics! i know how hard it is to find the time.... but keep up the good work. we enjoy all your pics and your blogging! :)
A-DORABLE! Especially the one on the bridge where Maddax looks like he's hanging there, too! Looking forward to many more photo shoots as the grandchildren keep coming! None on the horizon right now though! Will it be Chelly or Liz next?
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