Once again Aiden got to have his birthday at his favorite place on earth - Mom-Moms. I didn't want to be away from home (and Jason) for his birthday, but it was the only way we could work it out with everything else that was going on and there were of course no complaints from Aiden. Who wants to have a birthday at home with just few friends when you can have a party at Mom-Moms with countless aunts, uncles and cousins?! It's a no brainer. :) The morning of his birthday he came downstairs to a decorated dining room and his breakfast request - donuts. Wonder what age they will start asking for things like eggs benedict or omelets? For now, it is easy on me and they are happy, happy, happy. (we don't get donuts very often!) :)

We let him open a few presents that morning.

Ryleigh wasn't complaining about the donuts either of course.

Or Kyle.... :)

Aiden convinced Megan to play the game Mouse Trap with him using the "but it's my birthday" whine. Worked like a charm.

Ryleigh and Adam enjoyed the balloons.

His request for lunch - McDonald's. And everyone came along! He is one lucky loved little guy.

Happy Meals with aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.

Steve and Ashleigh didn't eat McD's. Steve says he only eats it when Ashleigh isn't around and looking. hehe But, they came to hang out!

More family.

And some more.

Wonder what Adam is telling Ryleigh here? :)

This pose was Allie's idea. :)

Time for presents.

Love that grin!
Seriously, your kids need to stop growing and getting older because they make me realize how much older I am getting. Love the hair by the way Erin.
aw, great post! you're gettin' there, erin. keep the post comin'! :)
Looks like Aiden had all his 7 yr old dreams come true for his birthday. :) Love that photo of you and him.
Ugh....I really wish I could have been there:(
Hopefully, next year (IF Jason is overseas) you can spend your birthday here with all of us! NOT McD's please! The cafe would be much better or my house! Notice the background in the McD's pictures-beautiful hills! Like the people faces better and the happy birthday boy!
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