I mailed our Christmas cards today. Here is the story behind our smiles.
We were late. It was getting dark. We got behind a car going 20 mph almost all the way there. Our friend who was taking our pictures was running behind.
Aiden found a piece of candy stuck under his seat and insisted on getting it out before he would go over to get his picture taken. I sat in a pile of burrs. When I tried to get them off my pants, it got stuck in my finger and started bleeding. Our friend was using her camera, she brought extra batteries, just in case. Every battery she had was almost dead, even the new ones straight from the pack. Each time she turned on the camera, it went dead. Somehow we got about 6 pictures out of a dead camera. Here are some excerpts from our pictures and the story behind them.
Aiden had to pee, so we told him to quickly just go in the grass. He had trouble with his pants, got himself and his hands all wet with pee. Then proceeded to put his arm around Jason. No time to get wipes from car, the sun was setting.

Getting my hair out of my shirt. Trying my best not to look like the frazzled mom I really am.

Jason trying to get Kyle to sit down. Every time he would smile and say cheese he would arch his back and lift his feet off the ground. Pushing me backwards and almost making me fall over.

Kyle showing us his idea of how he thinks he should smile. He was not very cooperative, to say the least.

I didn't realize until we were already in place to have our pictures taken that Kyle had somehow brought two screws from home with him. I knew taking them away would result in no smiles from Kyle. So there are screws in our Christmas card.
So, did we even get a picture that was decent enough to send out? You be the judge. :)
Sounds like quite a story. Have you ever thought about publishing it? You could probably make millions. Its just needs a catchy title.
I laughed when you told me the story on the phone, but it was even funnier written down!! Have you ever considered being a writer? You DO have a way with words! Can't wait to see the pictures!
Am I getting one? Please Please Please! I wanna see! SES
Wow! What a story! Can't wait to see the picture. Love you guys!
Yes Sean, I sent you one. :)
Haha oh my gosh Erin! I could almost write a short comical story about your christmas pictures. Kyle is too cute..I like the random pics. The screws, the peed pants, the hair haha. Anyways, I'm sure the pictures looked adorable!
Is this the "All-America" family or WHAT??
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