My lovely sister Ashleigh, who leaves for college in January! We are going to miss not having her around when we go visit. Ashleigh's work ethics will get her far in life. Hanging out with Ash is always fun.

Sweet Aimee, she has the best attitude and will do anything for anybody. I was lucky enough to spend lots of time with her when she was little.

My Dad, meeting Ryleigh this summer. A man who can always make you smile and you always knew you were loved dearly by him.

Liz, tons of memories with Liz. I think she is an unbelievable person and truly a loyal friend. Everyone that knows Liz, loves her.

Megan. She has to be one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, yet she will stand up for what she believes and she is not afraid to do so.

Sarah. Not to copy what I said about Megan, but it goes for Sarah too, one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Sarah is a strong supporter and you would want her in your corner.
So apparently there has been some whispering about how others are feeling, I believe gypped was the word used, since I didn't put pictures of them on my blog for their birthdays. So here is a picture of everyone that has had a birthday since I started this blog at the end of June. I love you all and I am glad that each one of you are in my family!! Are you all happy now? You all need to give me some credit here. I have three little kids and a husband who works very long hours! I am doing the best I can. :)
(Note: Truth be know, Matt pulled my name for Christmas and we all know that Liz will be picking out the gift. We also all know that Liz is a really good gift giver and if you are lucky enough for her to draw your name, you don't want to jeopardize your chances of getting a really great gift. So I am just covering my bases here. Don't judge, you would do the same thing) :)
don't worry Erin, Sarah and I were never mad at you for not putting our picture on your blog, but thanks anyway, it was very thoughtful,
Love Megan and Sarah
Nice try! We all know the true motive. (as you so bluntly stated) It was a very noble effort though. I do believe the damage has been done. Better luck next year! :)
Notice nothing was said about me being nice or sweet! hehe
Erin -
Wow, nice job! That was really nice of you... Good pics too! ;)
Liz - I think you're sweet... most of the time. :p he he
Hey Liz, I couldn't keep using the same words for each person!!!! I can't catch a break with you guys!!! :) And how did I get in trouble in the first place? I did put something on my blog for you for your birthday, the idea of pics just didn't come until later. GEE WIZ!!! lol
Such complainer!... I didn't care Erin!
Of course you didn't care, Joe. Your birthday entry was the one that started it all. And by the way guys, I was only having fun.:)
Hey it's all in good fun. We can't see each other every day to tease the heck out of each other, so this is the next best thing!! I am loving the comment wars. :)
Very thoughtful, Erin!! That took alot of time and effort with 2 boys running around the house! And, Liz, I think you are VERY sweet! Why else would you always be making us so many wonderful desserts and buying everyone so many thoughtful gifts? Only sweet and nice people do that! I understand Erin-trying to come up with something a little unique about each person is hard (especially with how many times she was probably interrupted!) Glad everyone can joke and not get REALLY upset! Is anyone THAT wounded?
I'M upset and wounded that nobody said I'm sweet.
hey, sorry erin i wasn't really mad, i guess its an ok picture of me. It was just a long time ago. At least I'm the only one who's tan.
Hey Aimee and everyone, I KNOW you guys are joking!! No need to say sorry. :) And Sean, we think you are sweet (goofy and crazy also come to mind, but I guess you could pass for sweet). lol
Erin, thanks for the NICE things you said-the check is in the mail!
Love, Dad
Dad, I got your check, but it wasn't the amount we discussed. Well, in honor of the holidays I will let it slide....this time.
LOL i love reading your family's comments on yours and Michelle's blogs. Cracks me up!
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