Birthday week continues!!
Here I am hanging out with my granddad, way back when, trying to lay just like him (notice our legs)! I loved going to my grandparents house when I was little and I was fortunate enough to live close by and spend lots of time with them. I have great memories of washing school buses, riding on tractors, eating Frosted Flakes, sausage gravy and your famous fried chicken, riding bikes on the best long driveway in town, and trips to Frederick shopping. You have been generous to me (and all of us) all my life and I am grateful for all you have done. Love you and hope you have a great day! Love Erin, Jason, Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh
Thanks Erin.
Those were enjoyable days being with you. As you know you were our first grand child.You and all the rest of the g-kids have made our life very special. I know we will continue to enjoy you and your family for the rest of our life.
Hope we will see you over the holiday,s. This has been a special day for me as i have heard from almost all of my g-kids. I think you with your leg crossed is very cute. Just like g-dad.
I think its funny that almost all the grandkids have experienced everything you just said...frosted flakes especially. And I still love their sausage gravvy. Haha. Hope to see you guys during the holidays.
What is it about Frosted Flakes?? Whenever I even smell them suddenly I am sitting at the claw foot table in their kitchen next to the woodstove eating them! :)
You never would have known that you would end up so hot, Erin! I also have had some fun times with ya G-Dad! It was good seeing you and G-Mom a few weeks ago.
Love ya both,
We never had Frosted Flakes while growing up. Maybe they weren't invented then. Fried Chicken is the best. Sausage garavy has been know to cause problems (ask Ryan). Grand-Dad still naps, but now in a chair.
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