It has been a bit crazy around here and I have not had time to update the blog. I know my loyal readers have been disappointed time after to time to find no updates! :) I can not promise to do better in the future, sorry.

The pictures did not upload in the order I wanted, but I don't have the time to fix them so you will have to look at them out of order, again sorry. Here is our front porch and topiaries decorated for Christmas.

Ryleigh turned 5 months old yesterday! She smiles constantly, tries to grab our food and drinks away from us, resulting in lots of messes.

She can now roll from her back to tummy and from her tummy to back. I lay her on a blanket in the living room to play and she is always somewhere else besides the blanket when I look over at her. The other night I found her under the Christmas tree, looking up at the lights.

She likes the boys toys better than her own. Here she is sucking on a power ranger action figure. I tried taking one of these action figures away from her the other day and replacing it with a baby rattle or something and she got very upset. I gave it back to her and she stopped crying! :)

The boys making sugar cookies. I totally cheated and bought the sheets of cookie dough from the store. That way when I needed something to do, I could just say "Hey! You guys want to make cookies?" And not have to wait to actually make them.

My dirty little boys. Here they are after playing for 2 hours in a dirt pile with cars in the back yard. In this picture they don't look too bad, but you should have seen the bathtub. They probably were not too clean after taking a bath in grass and dirt.

The boys continue to do things that make me shake my head and pray I make it while raising them. The other day I went to lay Ryleigh down for a nap in her crib and the bottom fell out of the crib and with Ryleigh on it the mattress fell. Luckily it caught on the way down and she did land on the floor (of course it woke her up though). I called the boys in her room and asked them what they had done. They have strict orders not to get IN her crib, I guess I should have told them that they are not allowed UNDER it either. Apparently they were playing under the crib, lifting the bottom up with their feet. I told Aiden what happened and this was his response:
"Did Ryleigh cry when the crib fell?" I said
"No" Aiden -
"Well, she is a VERY brave."

Our palm tree, decorated. I still have a hard time with it being so warm around Christmas. I still dress the boys in jeans and long shirts and sweaters in the morning because it is December and that is what we should be wearing. By the time we go outside I have to change them because it is 78 degrees out.

The upstairs window with little Christmas trees

Ryleigh taking a nap in her swing. I have to watch the boys carefully when she is in here. Sometimes I find them swinging her so high she could flip over or fall out. Ryleigh has like 100 guardian angels.

Our tree and mantel. It finally got cold (only lasted like 2 days) and we could have a fire in the fireplace. Thank you Grandmom Jeanie for Ryleigh's stocking!

Jason and Ryleigh hanging out by the fire. She grabbed his dog tags and was playing with them.

Ryleigh has Jason wrapped very tightly around her finger.

Another cookie making picture, out of order.

Welcome to the show". That is what Aiden told me when he asked me to come in his room and look what he had made. In each window of the bay in his room he had different things set up and they were all part of a "show".

In this window he had two Thomas the train trains set up and he would make them both go and crash into each other.

Stuffed animals were in another window. They never got their moment to shine because Kyle knocked them over to climb on the window.

This is the result of Aiden getting the PJ's and Daddy getting him dressed. There was a day when I would have changed him. Those days are
long gone.

Ryleigh having fun playing in the living room. Aiden got her to smile. He saw me get out the camera and he said
"I can get her to smile mom, watch." And he did. :)
YES! I am the first person to leave a comment. That's never happened to me. Needless to say... I'm very excited! Well, I have to go to the gym, those were good pictures though! take care
Dang, those are some hott pants Kyle's got. Where can I find them? (Joe, I gotta say I thought for sure you'd beat me to this, being #1 commenter and all.)
Also, careful with the fires Erin- that tree looks really really close to the fireplace!
I was to excited to notice the pants... rookie mistake... darnit! I'll never forgive myself...
I must say that his father being a Marine and having both his pants and shirts matching in the Corps should not have dressed him like that. However, he was probably so focused on getting them to bed in order to get some peace and quiet that he didn't notice. At least the father plays a part in his children's lives. You have to give him some kind of credit.
From: The defender of the dads of the world who are condemned by others of having no taste.....
Can't wait until those smiles are brightening up MY house (and my windows are full of "shows"!) In other words-can't wait til you guys get here!
Sean, thanks for you concern, but the tree is not as close to the fireplace as it looks. :) Just like Jason is not really laying on Ryleigh's leg, though it looks that way. :) I almost posted that, figuring someone would say something. So, everyone, we are models of caution, no need to worry your pretty little heads. lol
And hon (a.k.a. "the defender of all dads...), you KNOW I appreciate all your help. You are the BEST husband and father ever. :)
I am proud to admit that I am one of your loyal fans. Every morning as I get ready for work and I check my e-mail, I always check your's and Michelle's blog, and I have been quite said this past week that no update has been done. YEAH for the new update!
Cute pics! Hope to see you soon!
I laughed so hard at the pic of Kyle (mud on face). Too cute!! All the pics were great! So glad for the update. :) Can't wait to see you all next week!! So sad Jason won't be coming. :( Give my love to everyone!!
A Christmas hosue missing snow!! No wonder you always have dead batteries in your camera! Seeing the DI in lighter moments is nice.
"Welcome to the show!"... I love it!! And I know it was a different post, but the story behind the Christmas card was really funny, too. All pride is out the window when it comes to kids, eh?
I love your front porch, too! It's so pretty.
HEY Erin really enjoyed the pictures. Haven,t had time to look at the blog. since g-mom has been in hosp. I am really occuiped now that she is home with her oxygen and her Antibiotic ever six hrs. I will show the blog to her tonight before we go to bed. Hope to see you this week.
I looked at your last couples posts backwards, so i got my question about your weather answered here.
good idea with the cookies!
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