The boys had their soccer party/awards last night. They are very proud of their medals. Kyle slept with his last night and has had it on most of today. This is their coach giving them their medals. Their coach was a mother of eight! She thought it was so neat that I came from a large family too. Kyle is shaking her hand in this pic, but I couldn't get around fast enough to get a good shot of it. Checking them out and showing them off!
I am personally glad that soccer is over. It was fun, but with the big bridge down, getting there (and home) was a big deal. Of course with the bridge mess, going anywhere off the island has been a pain. We need a boat!! :)
Reporting to the head Drill Master on "game day" of Final Drill. Jason, in front of his platoon, ready for the Final Drill performance. Jason is know throughout the island for his cadence. They call him the only white boy with soul. :) The DI's you see walking around the platoon are also Drill Masters, they will evaluate the platoon's every move as they preform Final Drill. The head Drill Master will be evaluating Jason. Jason's platoon came in 2nd out of 5 platoons. I don't really like going to Final Drill, cause it is so stressful! I think most of the time I am more nervous than Jason. You can feel the tension and competition in the air. You could cut it with a knife!
We have finally arrived at the last week of the training cycle. Only three more training days, then family day on Thursday and Graduation Friday. This has been a good cycle, with duty only every 5 nights, as opposed to the regular 3, due to smaller winter platoons and more DI's on each team. Next cycle, the summer cycles, the platoons will be large with smaller teams of DI's and duty more often. Combine that with the sweltering SC heat and humidity, it will be a long summer. But, it is our last push, only one more to go. We have made it to the end. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Here is another little glimpse of the DI world. This video made by a friend of ours in 3rd Battalion (Jason's Bn.)
Sorry Liz!! I forgot all about putting up the boys soccer game pictures. Here are the pics from their last game for this season. Next week they have a party and awards. :)
Warming up
Go Crickets! :)Melt down Aiden getting hot Solution for being hot, run through sprinkler :) Kyle practicing
Trying to decide if he is going to play or not Taking a break. It is so funny, cause at this age during a game all of a sudden there will be no kids on the field playing! They get tired and just wonder off to mom and dad to get a drink or sit on a lap! Good game!
Jason took these photos while we were at the beach yesterday. I love them! Ryleigh was asleep, so she did not get in the photo session. :) Maybe Jason should consider photography after he retires from the Corps. :)
After the ordeal we just went through with Aiden this really hit home. I thought about if I was his mother and if that was Aiden laying in that hospital bed. If cards is what makes this little guy smile, I can do that. Hope you can too.
Jason got home early afternoon last Saturday and he took the boys fishing. The boys love to go fishing. They both have fishing rods and do fish, but I think they also love to get really dirty and wet! When they got home they had so much black pond muck on them that I literally had to scrub them until their skin was red. And no, this is not the pond where the alligator has made his home.
Jason has been gone all week, and we are all looking forward to his return tonight!
I tried to explain to Aiden that the breast plate does not go on the back. He did not believe me, because of course moms know nothing about knights. Since he has a shield, he thinks that the shield is for the front and the breast plate is for the back. Of course, Kyle followed suit. Running for his life! Taking a break. I am very well protected. :)
This family is crazy about our youngest member! She must feel so loved having so many people doting on her all day. The boys act like they haven't seen her in days when she wakes up from her (extremely short) naps. Here is some of the cute pictures we have taken of her in the last few days. She took her first step yesterday and two more today!! AHHH! :) My dreams of a laid back child are now officially over. I thought she would sit and look at books, aren't we all supposed to have at least one like that? :) She learned to clap today and she was really proud of herself, clapping at everything. She also loves to wave, hug her baby doll, climb steps, and give high fives. She is eating solid foods now and gets really mad at you when you are eating something and don't share. :) The boys praise everything she does, so I am sure she will be walking soon, since they make a big deal over everything she does.
P.S. - Alex, I did this late for you so you would have something to read tomorrow morning! :)
Ryan, Alex and Jason 1999 - Jason has become good friends with both Alex and Ryan Alex with Ryleigh, October 06 - Alex loves babies! Alex trying out Jason's bow - October 06 Alex, Liz and Erin - February 07
Happy Birthday Alex!! I should have had this done in the morning since I know that our blog is one of your morning routines, but I wasn't that together! So, I hope you check later today. I am so glad that we have remained close through the many stages of our life. I am glad to have you as a friend as well as a member of the family. I have lots of good memories of hanging out with you growing up and we look forward to lots more fun times ahead! We love you!
Me with my Grandmom! I loved hanging out at Grandmom's house!San Diego 1999, when G-dad and G-mom came out to visit usMay 2000 - 50th Wedding Anniversary surrounded by her some of her 13 grandchildren October 2000 - Family picture Happy Birthday Grandmom! Wish we could be there to be part of the weekend festivities! Thanks for being a wonderful grandmom and being a big part of my happy childhood. Filled with overnight trips to Grandmom's house, picnics in your backyard, walks downtown, shopping, shopping, shopping, card games with a glass a coke at night (coke still tastes better to me in those little glasses at your house), making applesauce, canning and many treats at your kitchen table. Thank you for also still being a big part of my life and the lives of my children. We love you!
The chatter bugs. Lately the boys are really into talking on the phone. They are always asking to talk to someone. Luckily we have a large family and I can usually find someone who has time to chat with a 3 and 4 year old. :) This morning they were talking to my mom and I caught a few minutes of it on video. Aiden took the phone into his room and put it on speakerphone, then put it up on his window. Then they both sat down on Aiden's bed and talked away! I finally had to tell them it was time to hang up or they would stay on until the phone battery died! I love listening to their conversations, they have SO much to say!