The chatter bugs. Lately the boys are really into talking on the phone. They are always asking to talk to someone. Luckily we have a large family and I can usually find someone who has time to chat with a 3 and 4 year old. :) This morning they were talking to my mom and I caught a few minutes of it on video. Aiden took the phone into his room and put it on speakerphone, then put it up on his window. Then they both sat down on Aiden's bed and talked away! I finally had to tell them it was time to hang up or they would stay on until the phone battery died! I love listening to their conversations, they have SO much to say!
I miss you, Aiden & Kyle! I want to talk to you on the phone, too! Do you have to stay for 14 sleeps? I want you to stay longer! If we get along with each other, you'll get to stay longer.
Now I can understand better what they were saying to me! Because the phone was so far away from them, it was sometimes hard to make out what they were saying. Now the whole conversation makes sense! I love it! They are SO much fun! Thanks for the video!
Oh my gosh... who ever said that boys don't talk much?? :) HE HE. That was soooo funny!! :) I'm sure Allie will be talking like that in a few short months! :) Once they start they never stop!
Whoever said boys don't talk very much never met our boys! They start the moment they wake up and don't stop until the are asleep! After Aiden's surgery, when he was still out of it from the meds, which lasted a few hours, we commented that he had not been that quiet since he was born! :)
So glad all turned out well with Aiden!! We were praying. I tried to leave a post but my computer was acting up. The video is a riot!! I wish I could have been there enjoying a good laugh with your mom. I miss her!
I miss you, Aiden & Kyle! I want to talk to you on the phone, too! Do you have to stay for 14 sleeps? I want you to stay longer! If we get along with each other, you'll get to stay longer.
Now I can understand better what they were saying to me! Because the phone was so far away from them, it was sometimes hard to make out what they were saying. Now the whole conversation makes sense! I love it! They are SO much fun! Thanks for the video!
Oh my gosh... who ever said that boys don't talk much?? :) HE HE. That was soooo funny!! :) I'm sure Allie will be talking like that in a few short months! :) Once they start they never stop!
Whoever said boys don't talk very much never met our boys! They start the moment they wake up and don't stop until the are asleep! After Aiden's surgery, when he was still out of it from the meds, which lasted a few hours, we commented that he had not been that quiet since he was born! :)
The video was really cute. I miss all of you guys so much. Can't wait for you guys to come up!
So glad all turned out well with Aiden!! We were praying. I tried to leave a post but my computer was acting up. The video is a riot!! I wish I could have been there enjoying a good laugh with your mom. I miss her!
Hold the camera still! I get dizzy trying to understand the boy on the right's French dialect.
this was hilarious!! i really enjoyed the video! i love how they kept interrupting each other!
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