For the first time since April 25
th at 11:20 a.m. we can breath again.
Aiden's results came back today and the tumor was benign! Talk about relief. It was an
hemangioma, which is a tumor of the blood vessels. One of the most common benign tumors. I only talked to the nurse today and I asked some questions, but she said the Dr. would go over everything with me at our follow up visit next week. The stress has at times been overwhelming, but we have been very humbled by all the love and support that has been shown to us. We thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts, phone calls, emails, comments, text messages, cards and prayers. And
Aiden thanks you all for the cards, and gifts. I heard him tell a friend as he was opening a pile of cards that arrived in the mail one day,
"I had surgery and everyone is really sad, that is why I am getting all this stuff." Now we can continue with the good stuff, like this:

Last night after we got them ready for bed I could hear the boys laughing hysterically in their bedroom. I went to investigate and found
Aiden putting tons of little clips and a bow in Kyle's hair. It is good to be back to normal life.....
You look like Ryleigh with all those barrettes in your hair, Kyle! I can't wait to see you, Ryleigh and Aiden one other day.
SO glad everything is back to normal! Looks like Kyle is getting a little chubby on his tummy! That's a good thing for him! But not us grownups!
Thats great news! I bet you are releived. Now celebrate by coming up this weekend! Please?
It is so good to see all of the kids smiling. Kyle sure would make a cute little girl. Ryleigh has grown so. We have been thinking of you all week. Sure glad it is over.
Thank God for that good report! Thanks for updating us.
We would love to come up, want to send us plane tickets Ryan? :)
We will be up the 2nd week in June though!
We are so relieved for all of you and especially Aiden.May your summer be filled with laughter,wet swimsuits,lighting bugs and lots of ice cream. !! Love,A.Debbie(Ryans mom)
WE are SO relieved to that everything came back positive. I know this is a HUGE relief for you guys. Thinking of you
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