Last week Jason graduated platoon 3042 and soon, very soon, we can start the countdown for our time left on the island!!

The colors

The Senior Drill Instructors of Lima Company - this was the last cycle for most of these guys, so Jason had to say goodbye to a lot of his buddies. The Drill Instructors of 3rd Battalion are fiercely proud of being in 3rd. Their Battalion color is blue, and they say not everyone can bleed blue! :)

On Sunday morning we headed up to NC for Allie's 2
nd birthday party. We had a great time and we were so glad we were able to be there for her celebration.

Allie was enjoying the cake before she was supposed to! I caught her!! Isn't she adorable?

Even though we don't get to see Allie very often (that will soon be remedied!), she must know we are family cause she wanted Jason or myself the whole time. :) Here is Jason hanging out with the girls.

All clean after a day of playing in the rain and eating cake!

From NC we headed up to PA and went to Jason's house. The boys had fun helping
Jas clean up his old boat.

Here is our niece, Katie, isn't she cute?

We had
s'mores and the boys were excited about them all day. They made their own, and they burnt the marshmallows (they thought that was so cool),
Aiden took one bite and said "Can I be done?" He was not impressed. Jason made him another one, without burning the marshmallow, and he loved it. :)

We are now up in the mountains and enjoying being in our old stomping grounds. I'll put more pictures up when I get a chance!

Katie looks JUST like Lydia!!! It's her eyes!! :) So happy you guys got to stop by - it was fun!! :) Looking forward to seeing more PA pics!! :)
comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment!
HELLO... where is Annah's Birthday Post???
Wait!!! Whos my favorite sister????
Looks like quite a get together! Whose paint horse? Where are you moving to? I will be praying about the sale of your house. It looks so cute but I know it can be hard when you have three young children.
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