Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fun on the 4th

Jason had to work on the 4th, but the kids and I went to PI to watch the fireworks. Jason had to stay with his platoon, so we met up with some friends and tried to have a good time without Daddy. PI has a big party for the 4th with free food for military families, jumpees for the kids, the band playing and lots of fireworks.
The kids loved the little flags they gave out and carried them around almost the whole time. They even wanted to sleep with them that night (see pics below)!
I was bribing Ryleigh with candy (in my hand) to sit still. Kyle, not smiling, but at least he is in the picture! :)

Man! It is hard to get all three of them in one spot, smiling, without flags in their faces, at one time!! This is the best I got.....
Aiden and his friend Madison.The kids with some of their friends.
Kyle was getting bored waiting for the fireworks to begin. :)

Our good friends (even if they are 1st Bn!), Val and Tab with their kids. We were stationed with them in CA, now we are together here. We are hoping that they follow us next year to our next duty station!
One of the families we were with had this little chair. Ryleigh loved it, I need to get her one.

Waiting for the fireworks to begin.......
Finally they started! Kyle, just like last year, did not like them. Ryleigh clapped her hands and thought it was great.

Like I said, they slept with the flags! Patriotic all the way!! :)


Anonymous said...

Erin G-mom and I thought the pictures were great . They looked so cute with their flags. Thought Ryleigh was cute in her denim outfit. Went to Perry co. today, but forgot my camera. Think Chelly will be sending some soon. Enjoyed our visit. Was back home by 6:15. Buddy was glad to see us.

girlebert said...

Erin, your family is adorable. Keep up the great job it looks like you are doing!!:)
Wish I could see you guys sometime soon to reconnect:) Wanna a trip to Canada??

Anonymous said...

I miss you, Aiden & Kyle & Ryleigh! I hope I could see you soon. I miss you real much! Your picture of Aiden, Kyle & Ryleigh and Erin, it reminds me of you guys at our house.

Vicki & Bruce said...

Love your patriotic pictures! They look SO cute! We had no flags and rain on our fireworks! So we all made a hasty retreat into the house when the lightning started! Wish we could have all been together!

Anonymous said...

Awefully beautiful family that I have there! I sure do love each of them very much. I simply hate having duty every three nights and working every single minute of daylight. I can't wait to get out of this hell and spend more time with those cute little rug-rats.

You know who!

Earl and Gail said...

I especially loved the picture of them 3 where Kyle had his hands in the waist of his pants. LOL