Ashleigh was my little buddy growing up. I remember putting her to bed and having to "tickle" her back for her to fall asleep.

Ashleigh, Sarah and Megan in their Easter dresses. I love this photo!

Ashleigh and Jason's sister Lydia, came out to visit us our last summer in CA. Ashleigh LOVED California and I remember when Ash was packing up to go home she said "I am going to really miss being here." I said "Ash, we will be moving back east in just a few months, we will get to see you all the time." She said "I didn't mean I was going to miss you, I meant I was going to miss California!" It's a big joke now! :)

Liz, Sean, Joe and Ashleigh when they helped us move into our Shrewsbury house.

Ash sporting her Christmas gift.

Ashleigh and I - February 07'

This is one of my favorite photos - Ashleigh with Ryleigh earlier this year.

Ashleigh, Caitie and I - Summer 07'

Ashleigh you have been fun to be around since you were little. You can always make us laugh and I love having you around. I have enjoyed all the many times you have come and stayed with me since I have been married. From helping me get ready for Aiden's first birthday party, to staying weeks down here during some lonely for me times when Jason was working a lot. So many great memories! I look forward to tons more. You are loved by every member of this family. Today when I was calling you, Kyle asked me who I was calling. I told him Aunt Ashleigh and he said "I yuve Aunt Asherleigh, she is so nice." I think we all feel the same way. I am proud of you and the direction you are taking in life. I am so glad you are my sister. :)
We love you,
Jason, Erin , Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh
Great, great post Erin! Ashleigh read it real quick while I was doing something on the computer, so hopefully she'll get to comment later when she has some free time.
Thanks for doing Ashleigh's blog! It is very nice and I really do like it!
Thanks Erin! Sorry you had to stay up late and do it, but I appreciate it! :)
Love you guys and miss you all
Happy late birthday, Ashleigh! I still remember the day we were wondering where Ashleigh and Kristin had disappeared to and found them in the hall bathroom with baby powder and other such stuff sprinkled everywhere. They were so cute playing together. My favorite picture of Ash is on our farm when she and Kristin were standing together with bearfeet and jumpers on. I know we are past that "stage" in our lives, but it sure brings back great memories. If I knew how I would post the picture. Maybe Eric can help me figure it out. Love those kids!
Hey, guys, missed seeing you while we were in PA last week. Had a great time visiting with your family at the lake one evening. Take care!
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