Friday, July 27, 2007

First Sleepover

There is a little boy that lives down our street, Carter, that both of the boys really get a long well with. They have been begging for months to have a sleepover. Finally, I gave in and I invited Carter to spend the night on Wednesday. I told the boys about it that morning and used it for leverage for good behavior all day. It worked. :) They had hot dogs, apples and pretzels for dinner then played boy things until bed time. (By boys things, I mean games I over heard being called "Knock ourselves out" and "You are my robot") I made a bed on the floor in their room, set up an old TV and DVD player on their nightstand and let them watch "Happy Feet" and eat popcorn. They had a blast!
Ryleigh wanted to get in on the fun and I finally had to put her to bed because she was stepping all over them. As you can see, they are trying to see around her to watch the movie.
The movie ended around 9:00 p.m. and I told them it was time to try and go to sleep. I knew they wouldn't, but I thought as the mom I should say it. :) They giggled and giggled until after 11:00 p.m. But, they were really good, I didn't have to tell them to stay in the room and only had to tell them to try and giggle a little quieter a few times. They demonstrated to me their idea of a quiet giggle and I approved. :)Finally asleep! I thought for sure that they would sleep in since they went to bed so late. I was really hoping they would since I didn't go to bed until after midnight and I was up with Ryleigh in the middle of the night for over an hour. But, no such luck. At 6:30 a.m. they were up and ready to go. By 6:45 a.m. they were all dressed and asking for breakfast. :( I gave them a snack and told them I wasn't cooking until Ryleigh woke up. :)
Finally breakfast! Enjoying pancakes. Then we headed to the pool for the afternoon, but after just a short time there, they called L5 (lightening with in 5 miles) and we had to leave. I think they made a good memory and I am sure we will be doing it again soon!


SES said...

wow, I was away from my computer for just a few days and I missed a bunch of posts. I like the new blog look Erin, and I think you and Jason are doing a great job raising your kids.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to have sleepovers at Grandma's. I miss those "good old days". They look like sleeping anglels. It is hard to imagine that they can be anything but "good".

Erin said...

I remember lots of fun sleepovers at the Johnson's house! Those were the good ole' days. :)

Vicki & Bruce said...

Looks like alot of big smiles and happiness! That's what being a kid should look like! Sometimes the happiest memories made are the most work for the Mom! Great job, Erin! Glad to be back in computer world (only because it's a link to you & Chelle). Love the woods and camping in it!