Saturday also had the many Superheros in our house being put in "jail" (taped to the rocking chair), swinging from the blind cords, and climbing my orchid plant. You just never know where a Superhero might show up!
In keeping with the theme of this post and the boys, here are a few funny things they have said in the last few days:
~ Kyle was yelling for me in their room when they were in bed, and of course supposed to be going to sleep, this is what I overhear: Aiden - "Kyle stop calling for mom." Kyle "MOMMY!!" Aiden "Kyle, is it an emergency?"
~ Aiden "Mom, do you know God's favorite color?" Me "No Aiden I don't" Aiden "Me neither, I never asked him. But, I think it is orange."
~ Aiden "I know what people are made of" Me "Really? What?" Aiden "Bones.......and hair"
~ Aiden "Mom, I don't know what God looks like, do you?" Me "No Aiden I don't" (seems like I say that a lot!) Aiden "I think he has on a blue shirt."
~ Aiden "Mom, don't tell Dad about this (I don't remember what it was), he might tell his recruits."
~ Aiden "Want to play Kyle? All my imaginary friends are at Mom-Mom's house."
Sometimes Aiden can understand Kyle better than I can. The other day I could not figure out what Kyle was saying, so I asked Aiden if he knew. He said "I don't know, I don't speak 2 year old."