Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas Morning Highlights

Jason got home from work Christmas morning around 5:45 a.m. We made a pot of coffee and waited until about 6:30. Then Jason went into the boys room and kind of helped with the waking up process. Of course this is the ONLY morning I would ever agree to such a thing. :) Truth be known, I was just as excited as he was for the boys to wake up. :)
Christmas morning anticipation. Aiden anxiously waiting for Daddy to say we are ready for the boys to come out to the living room.What is waiting around the corner? Jason caught this great shot of Kyle coming out of their room. Aiden was way to fast to catch. :)
Does this kid look like he is having fun or what? He giggled all morning long.
Check out her new slippers. Of course she has absolutely no need for slippers, but they were just too cute to pass up.
Ryleigh did not wake up until later. I don't think she was really ready to get up, but probably could not really sleep with all the excited noise coming from her brothers. Candy, candy, candy!!

Building ramps for their finger skateboards.
A game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos! I actually remember asking for this one Christmas when I was a kid. The game has not changed at all, but Aiden still beat me despite my many years of experience.
Kyle loves anything on wheels. Here he is trying out his new Spiderman scooter. It rained all day, so he had to try it out in the house.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! Here I am, back to my normal routine, not believing that the holidays I SO anticipated are all over!! And I am SO glad that you were here to enjoy them with us. Just wish Jason had off, too!!

Anonymous said...

Why does Ryleigh look like a blonde in pictures but not in real life, this truly does puzzle me. And I must say Erin, in the picture of you holding, she looks like a whole different baby when Jason's holding her and she's yawning. Love the mohawk curl.