There is so much that can be said about my mom. She truly is "Supermom" and someone who is not only my mom, but one of my best friends. Somehow she has raised (and still is raising) 11 children without ever seeming to be overwhelmed. I strive to live up to her and be as good as mom as she is. I don't know how I would have gotten through some of the tough times of motherhood without my mom to lean on. She never condemns, always encourages, always knows the right thing to say to get you through. Mom, I can only hope and pray that one day I will have the relationship with my children that you do with us kids. We ALL love to talk to you and knowing you are there for us is one of the best feelings in the world. Thank you for being there whenever I need you, even though your house is about 8 times busier than mine! I love you and want to be just like you when I grow up. Hope you have a great day and we wish we could spend your birthday with you!

My family today. Minus my sister Michelle and our families.
I love your pics too! You have some cute ones of you and mom when you were little. Anyways, nice job!
WOW, SO glad you found pictures that are not embarrassing! (There are some pretty bad ones!)THANKS, Erin. You are too kind! I really don't feel I deserve the praise, but I thank you for it. There were times I remember not being a very nice mom, and I'm glad the good times have wiped out the bad! And how could I have raised all of you without the help of you, Chelle and Liz! It was and still is a family effort! You all are the greatest (to me) and my best friends that help me through life!
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