Friday night when Alex and Ryan came up to see us from MD, we all (twins up, plus Alex and Ryan, Chris and Chelly and Caitie and her brothers Alex and Ian) went to Cluggy's. A new place not far from my parents house. We are a large group and I guess a bit loud. Joe kept telling Ashleigh to be quiet, but it didn't really work. :) I think everyone in the place was listening to our conversations. lol After dinner of great pizza and wings we headed back to moms for the Xbox wars to begin.

Pictures are great! It was so much fun having everyone home for Christmas (we missed you Jason). I missed so much sleep over the Holidays it's gonna take me weeks to catch up! :) But it was time well spent. :)
First off, FINALLY an update! Haha, I ditto Liz, definitely lost a lot of sleep that weekend, with Halo going so late into the night. Was great seeing you and the kids (missed you Jason), hopefully you can come next time you guys are up this way.
I have to agree with Alex and Liz. But wow your pictures look so big and clear. Must be the new equipment. I am very glad to see you guys home safe and you finally updating your blog. I was beginning to wonder. Hope to see you all soon.
When you see the pictures, and hear the comments, you realize what a special time Christmas is because everyone can be together! SO GLAD you were able to get over your guilt about leaving Jason and come up for even a few days! Thank you SO much, Jason, for meeting me and being a good sport about letting Erin go away and have fun without you! I know that was hard, but we ALL appreciate it and we all wish you could have been there, too! Hopefully, next year the Marines will let you come home!! Old friends and family are SURE GREAT! Wish I could build on an addition to make it even more comfortable for everyone! And thanks for helping out with our gifts and the gas! You all are so special!
Tried to comment on your slide show, BUT everytime I press comments, it takes me to RockYou. So instead of getting frustrated, I'll make another comment here! As usual, GREAT slide show! Such cute pictures and cute kids! SO glad you were here to be a part of the pictures. Jason is just going to have to tell the Marines that we can't live without him either!! He needs to be with us, too!
Great pics! Fun to see Sean in there, too. So glad you guys had a great Christmas. We did, too, even though we didn't make it to PA. We're making plans now to get there next year, though. See you there, hopefully!
G-mom and I also enjoyed the slide show even though we had seen most all of them. Now it is time for something new Erin.
Um..Just to clear some things up, I was not that loud! That is just my normal voice. I can't help it that God made me loud! Oh and that picture of me is just great! haha Love ya
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