Today is a day I have been dreading since Aiden was born. The day when I have to start the letting go process. I think if I could, I would keep them all five and under for several more years. We debated long and hard about Aiden's schooling. Should we home school, send him to public or private, or try cyber school? It is a question that has consumed my thoughts and kept me up many nights. Jason and I both believe strongly in being involved in Aiden's schooling so it was never just assumed that he would go to public school. But, Aiden has a strong desire for learning and has been asking for a year when he can go to school. We fianlly decided to send him to the public school just minutes (like 4 minutes!) from our house. All the kids on our street go to this school and we have only heard good things about every teacher. So, this morning at 8AM we took our little firstborn to his first day of class. He proudly wore his backpack on his shoulders and had a grin from ear to ear. He started packing his lunch on Friday (on his own, I came in the kitchen and found him filling little baggies with snacks), so I think he should have plenty to eat today. :) He walked into the classroom with confidence and greeted his teacher. He was excited that his cubby sticker had a panda bear on it, and you could see his thrill as he put his backpack and lunchbox in their own little spots. He found his name at the table and went and sat right down. I was falling apart inside, but I was happy to see him so happy. Here are a few pictures from this morning.

Aiden got new tennis shoes for school and here is Jason teaching how to tie. Since we wear flip flops, sandals and crocs around here a good bit of the year, he has never really had a need to know how to tie shoes. Just the other week Jason said, "Shouldn't Aiden know how to tie shoes by now?" :)

He got it on his first try! :)

Check back soon for more school updates. I am sure Aiden will have a lot to tell us about today, so we will be sure to fill you all in!
I can't imagine how you feel, It almost made me cry! :) I can't believe he's off to school already! Looks like he's more than ready to start. Can't wait for more pics!
That was really sweet. I hope everything went well. I'm sure it was super hard for you guys. I still need to call you sometime, well I did call you and you didn't answer.
It's about time! (this is to more then one thing, I'll let your mind do the wandering as to what I'm referring to)
WOW..., Brought back so many memories, and emotions here!! It was exciting to watch their excitement, which only allowed me to cry 1 day for each of the kids!!
Wait till they go to camp by themselves.., Aiden went to camp for one week this summer by himself, that was HARD..., but seeing his excitement and enjoyment made my anxiety disepate!!!
Good luck!!
UJ can't make any snod comments today. Good Luck Aiden an make sure you put plenty in your lunch box. Music is a nice touch!
Awww, Aiden looks so excited! :) Looking forward to hearing more about his 1st day! :)
Getting ready for that day has been a very sad experience as well as a good one all at the same time. My heart aches when I think of that boy of mine in school. I am proud of him and only pray that Erin and I do the right thing by him.
There are two things that I have always wanted to do with my boys. Teach them how to tie their shoes and how to tie a tie. My dad did this for me and when I have recruits that didn't have a father that taught them this, I wanted to do it for them.
Saw the blog real quick yesterday, but didn't get to comment. Wish I could be there to see his classroom and feel his excitement! The grin just from the pictures tells it all! I am sure he will do GREAT! Thanks for letting us share the big day! (Love the backpack and lunchbox with his name on it!)
I added a commment last night but computer did,t post it so i will try again. Aiden looked so happy that he was going to school. We thought he looked so cute in his new school clothes. We know he will do well in school. Glad you all choose this route. I am sure he had lots to tell last night. Looking forward to more later.
gosh, in school already!? at least you have 2 more at home for a while. i feel your heartbreak...they grow up so fast!
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