Thursday, August 09, 2007

Monkey's, A wet baby, Weather and Twins....

I am constantly telling the boys to stop climbing the door frames, the doors, the walls, etc. The other day I decided that I should document this craziness as evidence for when their own children are driving them crazy. One day I am going to whip out these photos and say "See this? It is in their blood and your own fault, so just pray they don't get hurt, that is all you can do." :) For everyone that is worried about their safety, I do make them get down every time I catch them doing this!And here is our mischievous little girl. I had just taken Ryleigh out of the bathtub and got her ready for bed. The boys were still in the bath. I heard Aiden come out of the bathroom and he forgot to shut the door. Jason ran in the bathroom to find that Ryleigh had already climbed in, pj's and all. You have to be quick around here.It has been 109 degrees for the last week, with the heat index of 116 degrees and about 87% humidity. Brutally hot. You feel like you can't even take a deep breath outside. Jason has been out in it all week on the rifle range, so when he comes home he likes it COLD inside. A bit too cold for us as you can see....... :) The only way you can survive being outside right now is at the pool or beach!!
Megan and Sarah arrived Monday night!!! The boys (well, all of us) are so happy to have them here! We all had a good time at the pool the other day.
Can you find Kyle?


Vicki & Bruce said...

Thanks, thanks, thanks for the pictures! It's just so fun to see what my crazy grandkids are up to! And I love seeing new pictures of them AND Megan & Sarah! (AND You, too, of course, Erin!) Got some great pictures coming on my blog, so keep posted!

SES said...

hey Erin, great post as usual. Doesn't look like I'll be able to make it down this weekend. Too much going on. Anyway, I'll try to call you within the next day or two.