Here we are at the airport, waiting for our flight and so excited to be getting away. Even the flights were fun, cause' we were able to talk and were not distracted by the kiddo's. Our flight was delayed several times in Atlanta, so we were pretty tired by the time we got to San Diego. We also ran into one of Jason's old Lt. Col.'s in Atlanta, he was on our flight. It is a small Corps.

SATURDAY - Jason getting cash from our old ATM :)
Saturday afternoon we headed to our old friends Pam and Tom's house for a dinner with their family and Russ, Mona and their kids. I worked with Pam and Mona while we lived in CA, and they became really good friends of mine. They even came to PA to see me right after Aiden was born. They became our home away from home while we lived in CA. Oh, and we grilled pizza and it was really good!
Enjoying the day - I don't know what I thought was so funny..... I am standing next to Pam's son, Woody, who just joined the Navy last year, next to him is a friend of his.
Some of the gang. Enjoying the wonderful San Clemente weather.
Mona, Me and Pam. Love these people!!
SUNDAY - They were having a street fair in our old town. So we walked up and down our old main street. They had bands playing and lots of vendors.
The view down Del Mar St. We used to drive down this street and then turn left and our apartment was one block over.
From the street fair we walked to Fatburger - which used to be Biggie Burger, still same burgers they just changed the name. I have been waiting 6 years to eat these again. They are SO good.
Heaven on a bun! It is worth all the 1 million calories! lol
Enjoying my burger and looking out at the ocean. When I was pregnant with the boys I craved these burgers so bad! Nothing compares to them. I know I sound crazy about these things, I am. lol
Sunday afternoon at the hotel, Jason getting ready for his big graduation.
Jason all ready to go in front our rental car and hotel.
This is where the graduation was held.
Putting on his gown.
Before he graduated.
Yeah!! Graduated! They wouldn't let us take pictures during the ceremony.
The guy he is standing next to is a Marine, and he knew a lot of the guys that Jason works with.
Jason, walking away with is Masters! :) I am so proud of him. No one knows how much this man worked to get where he is today. He has more discipline than any person I know. Yet, he still made time for us. I don't know how he did it all.
After the graduation.
The party after grad.
After the graduation we went to Irvine Spectrum, which is where we used to go the movies once in awhile. It is a huge place with shops, restaurants and a theater.

MONDAY - We got up and headed down to the pier for breakfast. This is street that we used to walk down the beach to, our apartment was right behind us.
When you turned the corner from the street above, this is what you see.
At Fisherman's for breakfast.
My favorite thing from Fisherman's, their french toast. :)
This is the pier, where the restaurant is located. It is also a fishing pier.
The views from on the pier. We have walked this pier so many times......

Jason used to surf right where he is looking. :)
Then we headed to Camp Pendleton to see where Jason used to work.
Jason's old office building.
I dropped Jason off at this spot many mornings, before dawn, to go on hikes, up all those mountains.
Jason, relaxing. Something he does not get much time to do!
Monday night we met up with Pam and Tom again and went out to dinner. They have three boys, their youngest is 19, and they are really sweet boys. So we really picked their brains on raising boys! :)

TUESDAY - Time to go home. We stopped at a view point on the way to the airport.
Goodbye San Clemente. We both feel like we want to move back now, much to our families dismay. :( We will see though, things change daily around here.....

TUESDAY - Time to go home. We stopped at a view point on the way to the airport.
Wow, great pics! :) Looks like you guys had lots of fun - Congratulations, Jason on a job well done!! :) We're proud of you too! :-)
Things BETTER change daily down there! I can't drive over to CA to see you all! Just kidding, of course, because you have to do what you want to do! But, sure would miss having you on the East Coast! Anyway, Fantastic Post! It was so nice how you let us see a part of each of your days! SO proud of you, Jason, because we know it was something you REALLY wanted to do and you DID IT, Master Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Port!
There is not a doubt in my mind that this experience was one of my top-ten experiences with you, Erin. I love you and appreciate your supporting me while I pursued those personal goals of mine. I could not have ever gotten where I am today without you and the kids there right beside me.
OH man it made me want to go back so bad! haha I miss california and I was only there for two weeks. Looks like you guys had a really fun time. Love you guys!
I've been slacking on commenting pretty badly, but I thought I had to say- congratulations! Anyways, that was for Jason, just wanted to let you know that I'm still around. haha
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