Ryleigh turned 15 months old today! I can not believe she has been here that long! :) She is not very cooperative, picture taking wise, like she used to be. It is all part of that our kids won't sit still thing. She just wanted to stand on the bench and throw the pumpkins.

This morning when I got her dressed she pointed to her bows like she wanted me to put one on her. She knows the routine, we don't go anywhere without a bow!!
lol I guess she figured I might forget. Not a chance. :)

She loves her daddy and whenever he is outside and she can't be, she stands at the door and watches him. The below picture I was trying to get a photo with her, as you can see, she really is not interested.

One of her favorite things to do right now is "write". She loves to have a pen and a piece of paper. She will color with the boys and of course I have found her crayons have made their way to other places besides the coloring books. :( She makes her way into the bathroom every time someone forgets to shut the door, it is like she has radar or something, and proceeds to unroll the toilet paper, empty soap or drop things in the toilet. Her favorite place to play is in my bathroom, she goes in the cabinets, finds all sorts of interesting things and drags them out. She even handed a tampon to a guest one day. Her favorite basket of things are my hand bands, rubber bands and my large wooden brush. She puts them all on at once and goes around brushing her hair. She also tries to brush the boys hair, but usually ends up using the wrong side of the brush which results in more of hitting, than brushing. Remember, it is a large wooden brush! They cry, she tries to hug them and they run away from her, scared she will hit them again. She loves to wave and is starting to say a few words. "Baby" is her favorite so far. She calls me "
Maaa", and know how to say it very loudly when she wants something. She is very lovable and throughout the day she will just come up and hug your leg then go back to whatever she was doing. She has reached the stage where she poops in the bathtub. All the kids have gone through this and it truly is an horrible phase. Since I bathe them all together, when she does this the boys totally freak out (I really don't blame them) and jump up and straddle the two sides of the bathtub. Screaming and splashing water everywhere.
Ryleigh just looks amused. It adds at least a half hour to bath time. By the time you get it all out, clean all the toys, scrub the bathtub, and refill......fun times. Of course by this time 3 naked kids really can wreck a bathroom. But, those leg hugs and squeezes she give you around the neck totally make up for it all.
glad to hear she's got the boys running scared. no one is going to pick on her! joey loves playing in the tampons, too. and when joey is standing at the door like ryleigh, he is screaming to get out. There is no nice watching quietly. he's very persistent about getting out.
LOL I didn't say "quietly"!! :) That would just be too nice. She bangs on the door the whole time and yells as loud as she can. It makes a very loud noise as she bangs and leaves lots of finger prints. :) Our front door is never clean. Right when you walk up to our door it is one of the first signs that warns you "lots of little kids live here - proceed with caution" :)
We have two huge sliding glass doors and there are fingerprints all over them too ...not too mention where she's licked the window or blown kisses or colored (she's into that too) or sprayed water. Guess it'll just get worse when Blake starts moving around. But it's worth it, isn't it? :)
Love, (hugs & squeezes!)outweighs it ALL! And so does a sense of humor! When you realize it's all "come to pass", and they won't be doing "that" when they are 16, you can laugh and know it won't always be like this! You're doing a great job and I love to see and hear all about their shenanigans! She's too cute!
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