Life has just been a little busy. Last week we had company over 4 nights, so I was doing a lot of cooking and yelling and stepping over my posse in the kitchen. I really need to learn to just buy things pre-made at the store...... Saturday we had a birthday party at the bowling alley, then tried to fit going to the Shrimp Festival downtown in before running home to make dinner and cookies. Why, you ask, would we try to go to a Shrimp Festival with 3 little kids on a VERY hot Saturday afternoon after we had just been at a birthday party? I have no idea. Tuesday we went to the pumpkin patch with some friends to get pumpkins and have a picnic lunch. It would have been great if I hadn't made the lunch and left it sitting on the kitchen counter. We ran home, just in time to wash all the dirt off before we went to our dentist appointments, all 4 of us. I found that is rather difficult to keep your kids in line while getting your teeth cleaned. They didn't seem to understand what I was saying with my hands. I am sure they were glad to see us leave..... Ran to the store and made it home just in time to make dinner for company. I did my best not to fall asleep while they were talking after dinner. I
think I succeeded. The rest of the days have been filled with much of the same. In between was date night in our sunroom that we spent most of the time telling the kids to be quiet and Jason trying to get something out of his eye (it was really romantic, but hey, we try), Kyle doing scary wheelies on his bike, Ryleigh on top of the kitchen table every time I turn around, a house showing, a play date that ended in broken glass, doing one load of laundry 4 times because I kept forgetting about it, Aiden and Kyle sick, and my dinner consisting of apples that Ryleigh had thrown off her highchair. So is life on the Port Side.....

I can not, for the life of me, get all of the to look at the camera at the same time and smile

Here they are, all ready for lunch......that I left at home.

Feeding the rabbit green beans. Ryleigh ate the green beans instead of giving them to the rabbit. Do you blame her? Her mother forgot her lunch.

Feeding the goats, Ryleigh enjoyed their food also.

Here are the pictures for our camping trip a few weeks ago. It was fun, besides the fact that our air mattress had a phantom leak and we woke up on the ground every hour. We made sure that no one around us got a good night sleep either since we blow up the mattress every hour and Ryleigh woke every half hour to cry. Taking a 14 month old camping is great, I would recommend everyone try it at least once it their life. We are suckers for punishment, we are doing it again later this month. See that face below, she is like
"Me, trouble?"

There was a hill right by our campsite and the boys spent most of the weekend climbing this hill and then running back down. They slept

Ryleigh kept running into the woods after the boys and we had to keep going in after her. I wish she had a little more fear of the unknown.

We went camping with friends and one morning we were all at their campsite. Ryleigh had not finished her breakfast, so this is how Jason got her to the next campsite.
Until next time, which could be a long time.......
We really enjoyed the pictures. Made g-mom evening. Looks like every one was having a good time but you. We wonder how you do it. Youth I guess. Hope to see you all soon.
YEA! So fun to see your pictures and read your hilarious rendition of your days! I can relate! And you have a good time because in the long run, the memory is worth all the effort!
Your site always makes me laugh and sometimes cry. It reminds me of days gone by and, yes, like your mom would say, "Enjoy every minute." They are indeed moments to treasure. We went to the Keys a few years ago and camped. It was a night to never forget between "no-see-ums" eating us alive, attacking racoons, killer heat, a horrible stench surrounding us, squirrels eating our supplies, the 6 ft iguana and then Hurricane Katrina came heading for Florida the next morning. We still laugh about it. Seems the worse the experience the better the bonding.
To get a good picture trying have the "non-sit-stillers" look up as you yell MacDonalds. They will always have a smile on their face when they think of those flat burgers alongside those "fat-drenched" fries and that calorie loaded coke. And just think, all in a neat bag with a toy.
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