Aiden went on his first field trip today. I wanted to go but, it was to a pumpkin patch (muddy, buggy pumpkin patch by the way) and I figured Kyle, Ryleigh and I would be more of a hindrance than a help. So, he went without me. It was hard. I knew he would be riding the bus there and then be in a public place without me to watch over him. I felt like Marlin the Clown Fish from
"Finding Nemo" "WHAT? The DROP OFF?? Why don't we just fry them up and eat them for dinner?" So yes, I am having a hard time letting go. The first step is admitting you have a problem right? I drilled Aiden last night about sitting down on the bus and not playing around. I drilled him on staying with his class, on not wandering off, not talking to strangers and listening to his teacher. I asked his teacher what kind of system they had for keeping track of everyone. I know, she was probably rolling her eyes in her head thinking
"Lady, I have been a kindergarten teacher for x amount of years, I know what I am doing", but she was very nice and explained how they do field trips. She put me at ease, somewhat. I didn't tell her that I was thinking about following the bus and watching the field trip from my car with binoculars. I also didn't tell her I had a nightmare about the field trip. Now you all are rolling
your eyes.

He returned safe and sound. Full of stories and covered with dirt. That's my boy. He must have had a good time. And I survived another test in letting go.
Letting go is VERY hard, but there are those nice guardian angels keeping watch!
Good girl Erin. I know it was hard, but they have other mothers who also go along to help with kindergarden kids. I have seen kindergarden classes in D.C. WALKING DOWN THE STREET ALL HANGING ON TO A ROPE FOLLING ONE ANOTHER with only a couple of teachers with them. I know you would have to take gas if you would see this on one of Aidens trips. Hang in there he will be ok he is a big boy.
I think you've watched "Finding Nemo" to many times! :)
Awww Erin, you are too cute. I can totally picture you following the school bus and sitting in your car at the pumpkin patch with binoculars.
"Hey Mr. Grump Gills, you know what you gotta do when life gets you down? Just keep swimming ...Just keep swimming ... Just keep swimming swimming swimming. What do we do we swim, swim, swim ... OH HO HO How I love to swim. When you WAAAAAANNTTT to swim you want to swim."
We all grow up someday :(
Ok, I think Alex has watched "Finding Nemo" way more than I have!! :)
I can see that nobody cares about my thoughts on the matter. However, I must say that Finding Nemo has a whole new slant on my life now.
I can see that nobody cares about my thoughts on the matter. However, I must say that Finding Nemo has a whole new slant on my life now.
Hey! I enjoyed reading your blog...it must have been awhile since I've read it, because there were a lot of new posts.
But it was a nice break from homework!
Ohh I cannot wait to see you all again! I miss you so much!!
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