Since Jason and I both grew up hardly watching any TV, we both have things that we want our kids to love to do instead of loving TV and video games. For me it is reading, and I really don't have much hope, since it requires sitting down, but Jason seems to have a chance on his. Which is making them boys that love the outdoor sports of life. I believe he has succeeded. Since this morning at 4 am, Aiden's arm hurt too much to put on his own shirt, but he assured me he could cast with it just fine. But, before you think that I am anti TV - let me assure you that I am not! In fact I am pro -TV! TV is a absolutely wonderful babysitter that does not charge me an arm and a leg. :) Anyway, this morning Jason got them up at 4:15 am, took them to work with him (he had to do ELCO - which is really just too much military mumbo jumbo to explain). And afterwards they went fishing for a few hours. They came home proudly carrying a string of fish, dirty, and very tired. I took the string of sunfish and oohed and ahhhed at how many they caught. Then cause' I have no brain cells, I carried the long string of fish with me as I was looking (everywhere) for a bucket to keep them cold in. It wasn't until Jason pointed it out that I realized I was dripping fish juice and pond water all over the house. Where are those brain cells when you need them? I never did find a bucket on my own, my toddler suggested that I use a sand bucket. I would have never thought of that, even though I passed several of them at least 3 times. So anyway, they came home, and of course with Daddy it is all fun and games. As soon as they see me, it is meltdowns left and right. "I'm hungreeeeeee (why can't they just say it, why is it always a whine?), I want to eat my fish now." "Can we go to McDonald's? Pleaseeeeeeee?" "I'm NOT dirty, we DON'T need a bath." You could draw pictures in the dirt on their faces, hands and legs if you wanted too. They say all this as they get out the play dough (Kyle in just underwear and a sweatshirt, to paint you a picture) and begin to make play dough "eggs". Then pure exhaustion kicks in and Kyle cries and Aiden whines NON STOP, and they both fight, verbally and physically, until I can get them in the bathtub. They don't look too bad in the pictures, so I am guessing they thought they better get good and dirty while daddy loaded up the boat. That way mommy wouldn't be disappointed that she didn't get to scrub pond muck off them while they screamed because I was hurting their legs that have so many scratches and wounds on them that you all really should go out and buy stock in whoever makes band aides. They are all asleep right now, well Aiden is almost asleep, he is watching TV........

There's a lot more to life than TV! (Like American Idol!) Jason is a brave Dad to take to little boys to work & fishing at 4:00 AM! What great memories! Nice boat, Jas!
Make that TWO little boys! I don't think straight this early in the morning!
great post Erin. In 20 or 30 years your kids are going to feel bad reading this stuff and do nice things for you. but don't hold your breath.
Cute pics! Belle says hi to Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh :)
Sisters are so special! Secrets are just part of that sisterhood. HMMMM maybe Ryleigh needs a sister too! . . . . oh yeah, a spotless house is never a determining factor in being a great mom. Love and devoted time might make it high on the list, however. You had the best "mom" teacher in the world so I know you rank high on a scoresheet.
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