Growing up with with three girls in a row was not always a walk in the park. Contrary to popular belief, we were not perfect and did have an occasional fight. One fight in particular involved a very large blue book that somehow ended being used to hit me over the head. To hear Liz's side of the story, I deserved it, I only remember being attacked. :) But from the time we were little, until this very day, my sisters have been and always will be, my best friends.

November 2000 - Disneyland, CA

November 2000 - when Chelly and Liz came out to visit for a few days.

September 2001 - our first night in our first home was shared with Chelly and Liz. We even all slept in the same room cause someone (I won't say who) was scared! :) Liz was a big help during that time, coming down to help move and paint several times.

Christmas 2006 and Liz's new game from us. She loves games and usually wins. She always beat us in Dutch Blitz. :)

I won't tell you what was going on here, because it will cause us all to get in to trouble!! hehe Remember this?

Liz - winter 2006 - with Ryleigh. All my kids adore Aunt Liz. This morning they had to call first thing and wish her a happy birthday.

Summer 2007 - doing what we all love to do best, hang out!

Liz, you amaze me with all your talents and strong loyalty. I am glad you are in my corner! :) I love the friendship you share with Jason and the fact that our friendship continues to grow. I love a good shopping trip with you or working on a baking project together. I can't wait until we all live close again so it can be a weekly thing instead of a few times a year! Thank God for myspace, blogs and cell phones!! We all love you dearly and hope you have a great birthday!!
Love, Erin, Jason, Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh
Alright Erin, this is your dad speaking, what is going on in that picture that you don't want me to know???!!!!!
Thanks Erin! Sorry I didn't get to comment last night! I've love spending time with your family too! I can't wait until you and Chelly both move back into the area. And Dad, I do believe it's Mom we're trying to hide the information from! :)
OMG Erin! I look HUGE in that picture compared to you. I guess rightfully so since I am and have always been taller then you, even if you are older then me. :)
G-mom and I enjoyed all the birthday pictures .The special ones are those of all of you when you were small. The fishing pictures of the boys were really great. Looks like they will be good fisherman when they grow up.
Keep them coming it helps to build g-mom moral right now.
I also love my relationship with Liz too. Liz has always had a very special place in my heart and I love her so. I only pray that all goes well with her and that she sees every dream of hers come true.
Happy Birthday, Liz. I love you and can't wait to see you too.
You know you won't get in trouble now that I've reached the "grandmother stage", so let me in on the funny phone call! Sorry to take so long to comment, but Chelle's computer was at the shop the whole time I was there! Great post, Erin! Liz sure is an amazing lady! Should have put a picture of her and Jason up on her blog, but didn't run across one when I was digging through pictures!
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