As long as I live I will never understand boys. This does not look remotely fun to me, but for the boys it was heaven on earth! Yesterday afternoon Jason put up pull up bars in our backyard, (no Marine Corps home is complete without them!) and the boys joined in the fun. First they dug two holes in our nice sandy soil. This is when Jason told them how he cut off one of his brothers toes while digging when they were kids. Jason said you should have seen their faces. Their first question was:
"Did it grow back?" Then they got to mix cement. Pure joy for little boys.

Then they went to the back yard to put it around the pull up bars.

The finished product.

Of course what is the best thing to do after you are all wet from mixing concrete? LAY in the dirt of course!

Now for some major clean up! It was a bit hard to get the cement out of their hair. It had started to harden.

If you can not tell what Aiden has in his hand, it is a fish head that he found while digging somewhere behind the shed. Nice. He was thrilled
"Bones!!!" he yelled. Now I know where Jason throw out their fish from their fishing trip.

Yesterday afternoon was also filled with catching spiders. Aiden ran inside and got some of my Tupperware and some aluminum foil and then ran back outside. Moments later he was bringing it inside and wanting to keep it in his bedroom.
"No, you can not keep spiders in your room." I said.
"BUT MOM!" I later conceded after we used a baby food jar with holes punched in the lid. Seemed a little more secure than aluminum foil. Next Aiden ran in the house and started out the door with the blender. Of course I stopped him.
"Aiden you can not have the blender outside." There are just some things you never really imagine yourself saying until you have boys.
"But Mom, we NEED it!" I was afraid to ask what for. Maybe to make spider milkshakes??
Worms make much better shakes! It's fun to see the boys doing what boys like to do (and I don't have to clean it up!) Great post, as usual, Erin! Are YOU using that pull-up bar?
Wow...I thought Natalie could make a pretty good mess. Guess I have something to look forward to as Blake gets older! Thanks for the warning... although looks like they had fun. :)
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