Thanksgiving morning started with the parade on Grandmoms P's bed, breakfast of biscuits and gravy and making a gingerbread house.

I think Aiden was a bit tired, because he just sat on Jason's lap for a long time this morning.

Then on to Mom and Dad's for the Thanksgiving feast! Not many tables out there this big. :)

Garrett and Josh enjoying a cup of soda and talking, not sure what the conversation was about.

Mom and Aunt Nancy

Joe, Jason, Erin and Matt

Liz, Matt, Caitie and Joe, checking out the sale papers for Black Friday

2 PM - Time for shrimp!!

Erin, Sarah, Aimee and Liz

Dad, Uncle Marty and Ashleigh watching football

Pretty girls :) - the kind that sweater vests keep you from (LOL - inside joke)

Ryleigh digging in to her Thanksgiving meal. She ate a whole out of her piece of bread then put it on like a bracelet. :)

The kid table

The table that keeps on going. It is very hard to have a conversation with someone at the other end of this table! :)

Time for some major cleanup. The dish pile never seems to go down.

Nice face Ash.

We just call these three the "non Aguilars" :) I wonder if they were all talking about us? Josh S. was sleeping on the other couch. Don't know him well enough to put that picture up yet. :) Maybe next year.

Ryleigh choose that second to jump right in front of my face. I think we need bigger couches, or more of them. :)

Aiden among the craziness, he is in his favorite place on earth.

Craziness and fun after a good meal. This is what it is all about.

We missed you Chelly, Chris, Allie and Adam! This time next month we will all be together for Christmas!! Lots of good times ahead......
Dad did take pictures on our camera, but I didn't get them posted yet. Thanks for putting Thanksgiving into pictures!
great photos. especially loved seeing your boys in aprons. :-)
Had so much fun while you guys were here!! Miss ya, can't wait to see you at Christmas!
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