Here is Aiden in his classroom, all dressed up. I went in to take pictures of all the kids in their costumes.

Yeah! They are all looking (almost) at the camera. Actually they are looking at me jumping up and down making crazy noises. We should have taken a picture of that! :)

I think I caught a ghost on camera!! I should submit this to Ghost Hunters. Maybe Jason and Grant would come to our town. lol (for all you gullible people out there, it is just some old guy dressed up in a Civil War costume that walked right by us and scared me - just a little bit!)

Still have lots of cousin pictures to post, but it is just a bit crazy here. We will put them up though, we promise! We have been getting a lot of concerned phone calls and texts on the lack of updates. :)
Last year they spent Halloween with Josh & Lindsey and this year with Allie & Adam-how fun! They all look so cute even with their scowls! Want to go to the Gettysburg Ghost Walk when you come up?
Erin, we would love to come check this out for you except... we know about your dad and we think he probably put you up to this.
Looks like fun! Love the costumes. There's going to be some pretty full houses at Christmas with all these kids, huh? :) So glad Ryleigh will be big enough to play with the girls this time.
Do all FIREFIGHTERS (used to be called fireman (they stoke boilers on trains) in South Carolina wear orange fire suits? The Ports could be starting a nationwide trend. Was Kyle unhappy in the first picture because of LOC (lack of candy)?
Hey Erin,
Great pictures. Really helps g-mom to get her mind off her self.Drs said her next move was Hyperbaric treatment.Hope this will bring some results. Keep them coming.
Nice one dad. :)
I fixed it Uncle Jeff! Sorry for the mistake. :)
Ryleigh makes such a cute monkey!
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