It rained all day and I believe the boys knew that they were cooped up. Here are just a few things they did today:
- Emptied everything out of their dresser drawers and threw it around their bedroom (I caught them halfway through the last one). Aiden said he was looking for something.
- Emptied everything, within reach, in the bathroom linen closet. Aiden had no explanation for that one.
- Kyle spilled bubbles all over garage floor. From the looks of his clothes, he also must have laid down and rolled in it.
- They took a rocking chair, night stand and every toy basket and toy they own and piled it up in front of their bedroom door.
- Used every piece of wicker furniture and rocking chair in sun room to make a fort.
- Crushed Pringles all over dining room floor, they were mixed in with little Lego pieces.
- Made a fort upstairs using sofa cushions, a basket and Ryleigh's bathtub.
- Found goldfish crushed in between sofa cushions in living room when they took those cushions off to make another fort (do I see a theme here?)
Where was I when they were doing all this? If you are asking that question, you don't have little boys! :) The picture is not from today. They have been making this sun room fort frequently. I wasn't really in the picture taking mood today.
Uncle Jeff, Happy Birthday tomorrow!!