- Emptied everything out of their dresser drawers and threw it around their bedroom (I caught them halfway through the last one). Aiden said he was looking for something.
- Emptied everything, within reach, in the bathroom linen closet. Aiden had no explanation for that one.
- Kyle spilled bubbles all over garage floor. From the looks of his clothes, he also must have laid down and rolled in it.
- They took a rocking chair, night stand and every toy basket and toy they own and piled it up in front of their bedroom door.
- Used every piece of wicker furniture and rocking chair in sun room to make a fort.
- Crushed Pringles all over dining room floor, they were mixed in with little Lego pieces.
- Made a fort upstairs using sofa cushions, a basket and Ryleigh's bathtub.
- Found goldfish crushed in between sofa cushions in living room when they took those cushions off to make another fort (do I see a theme here?)
Where was I when they were doing all this? If you are asking that question, you don't have little boys! :) The picture is not from today. They have been making this sun room fort frequently. I wasn't really in the picture taking mood today.
Uncle Jeff, Happy Birthday tomorrow!!
You were where all moms are when their kids are playing (and messing up)happily-doing the things moms do! You are letting boys be boys and that is VERY important! The mess will clean up and ONE day, they will be able to help (or they'll make Ryleigh do it!).
Hey Erin! Are you ready for tomorrow! Good luck! We'll miss you guys up here!
wait- I'm still confused. How could things possibly get this bad? Really- where were you? I'm shocked.
Seems that this pair needs to go with the SDI, aka:big daddy. I sure the Mairnes would love to see how you make a fort from wicker furniture and would love the crushed Pringle affect in the dorm. Guess you could say, "there just little boys." Pray for sunshine.
I was so interested in the "boys story" that I missed your Happy Birthday or you do start to lose your mind at 55.
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