Aiden also enjoying his snack. Joe, Jas and I both thought that this pic of Aiden looks a little like you. So soccer is over for the season and next year they will both be playing. Kyle can't wait. At each of Aiden's games Jason and I would have to take turns kicking the soccer ball with him.
Like Aiden's hair-and I see a little Joe resemblence. Kyle will be great at soccer, too! He's been practicing kicking everything-so a soccer ball will be a good outlet! Wish I could be there at their games- maybe I should get my pilot's license!
When I tried to read the new comments on the slide show, (when you press the comments), it goes to RockYou. Will it allow you to move the comment bar over?
I am not sure why it is doing that. Usually if you click on the post on the left hand side under blog archives, it lets you see the post plus the comments. But, I tried that and it does not work either. It might be a little messed up since I posted that from another site.
Love the pic of Aiden with his medal, I love the smile on his face. Also after mom complained so much about my name on all of the blog comments I added hers.
I know Jason probably will not get a chance to read this, tell him I hope all goes well this cycle. Looking foward to or next visit together.
Dad A.
Congrats on your medal Aiden! How exciting!
well Erin I thought I would comment on your blog so you wouldn't be angry at me. Your boys are beautiful! How come we never see you on your "own" blog? You should take some pictures of yourself and post them. Just so we don't forget the face.
Oh my,I bet that Aiden is so excited that he won. I'm praying that you guys come home for Christmas, love yall love Annah
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