Well, our break is over, this morning Jason picked up another platoon of recruits. He is a Senior Drill Instructor again (SDI), also known as the "big daddy" and "boss". Over the next three months Jason and his Drill Instructors (DI's) will basically spend every waking moment (about 120 hours a week - no, I am not joking, wish I was) with these recruits, training them to be Marines. The pictures show him giving his "pick up speech" where the recruits meet their Drill Instructors. The picture of them with their hands in the air is where they are saying the Drill Instructors Creed. Basically making a commitment to turn the recruits into United States Marines. They let the wives come to this part (we stand in the back), the only time we will be allowed on the deck until Family Day (the day before graduation). This time they actually let us stay about 10 minutes past the speech and watch them with the recruits. The mom in me couldn't help but feel sorry for all these young guys who looked scared out of their mind. But, the Marine wife in me knows that this will prepare them for what lies ahead. Since Jason is the SDI, he has to stay with them for the first 4 nights, then they will take turns, so he will stay with them every third night. We took dinner over for him and his DI's and got to see him for about 3 minutes. We will go each night so that at least we can see him for a minute. So, if anyone wants to get away to the warm south, the kids and I would love company!! :) Jason and I joke that since we have had Ryleigh we pretty much lost all our friends down here. :) I guess 3 kids 4 and under are too much for people to handle being around. We feel that way too sometimes...... :)
I love being around your 3 kids! They are so much fun and REAL boys! Of course we love you and Jason, too! Just wish we lived closer! Thanks for a look into Jason's Marine world! Sure will be glad when you are finished there. Days drag, but the years sure fly!
Well, Jason's looking gorgeous as usual. I hope he doesn't get offended by that- tell him I don't mean anything by it. He just is! Sorry I missed your call erin, I was at Dave Rose's wedding. I'll call you when I get some free time.
oh no, you still have us!! we're your friends down here, we just have a hard time scheduling with these crazy boy's schedules! you and i just need to get together with the kids...chick-fil-a anytime girl! ya'll look great, and it looks like you had so much fun at home!! looking forward to seeing ya'll soon! xoxo, erin
Hey Erin, wish Sarah and I could be there to help you out, we miss you guys and can't wait to see you at christmas,hopefully, Love Megan
Hey Erin! Lima isn't the same without you guys! :( I am going to email you...
To many Erin's... I'm so confused!
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