We decorated for Christmas on Tuesday. I figured if Jason was going to be able to help us decorate the tree I would need to have everything ready for when he got home (he usually is home pretty late, but he came home early that night!). So I told the boys if they were good helpers we could decorate. Suddenly I had two very willing and obedient children. Aiden had garland, with lights all lite up, draped over the back of the couch. He wanted to leave it there, but I explained to him that it would not be very comfortable to sit on the couch with that behind us. He jumped on the couch and tried it out, he didn't see the problem. :) He also took a breakable Santa and put it in his bathroom on the sink, right on the edge. Again, he couldn't understand why it couldn't stay there. Jason picked up eggnog (the boys tried it for the first time and did not like it) and cookies (a tradition for decorating the tree) on the way home from work and we had a fun evening watching the boys decorate the tree. All the ornaments were pretty much in one spot at the bottom, but it didn't matter to them, so I didn't even bother to fix it for a few days. Our tree will not win any awards, but to the boys it is just as good as the one in Rockefeller Square. And that is all that matters.
Everyday now the boys are asking if it is Christmas day. Aiden says it is taking forever to get here. I told him it was in 30 days (at the time), he says that is "like a thousand days away."
Now I need to get busy on Christmas cards and shopping.....
I remember when I was little, you know waaaayyy back then, Christmas always seemed so farr awayyyy once we put up decorations. But then it came and went so fast and you knew that it was another 364 days until it came again.
Looks like you guys should have a nice Christmas, cant wait to see you guys up here in God's Country! Haha, see you soon. Maybe it will snow when you are here!
Ahhh, I vaguely remember those days when Tim & I actually got a Christmas tree.... This year, I'm tempted to not even get any decorations out, besides a winter flag and a festive wreath for the front door. There's something very wrong with me!
I like Aiden's decorating ideas! What's wrong with sacrificing a little comfort for such creativity :)!So glad to see the eggnog & cookie tradition lives on! You even had out the "special" glasses! Need a picture of the tree in its final stage!
The Aguilar tradition lives on. Cool!!
Can't wait to see you all again soon.
Allie loved our eggnog, but there isn't much she doesn't try. ;) I decorated our tree all by myself - I don't think I could have handled the kind of help Allie would give in tree decorating. We wouldn't have had any ornaments left. ;)he he
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