hey Erin,
you have one very cute family.I loved the slid show. We all(Renee ,Annah and Aimee)can't wait to see you at Christmas.
Hey Erin! Those are some cute pics, and I looked at your new pics! I miss you guys already, I hope everyone can come up for christmas. Ok, well..I'm going to go back to working. I'll talk to you later! Love you guys!
Wow Erin, Great job.
Love Dad
Wow, you're really stepping it up Erin. Great slide show! :)
PS--I was totally just busting your chops with my birthday gift comment.... the temptation was too great, I just couldn't resist! :)
Great job Erin! Did they ever find the arrow?? :)
Unbelievable! What a cool way to put two great weeks into a story! It sure looked like we had fun! Can't wait til Christmas! Thanks SO much Erin. Sure wish Chris, Chelle and Allie could have been there!!!
Renee - thanks for your comment! :)
Caitie - how did we get thru 2 weeks with no photos of you and Aiden? Could it be that he has finally moved on? lol
Mer - I totally knew you were kidding :)
Liz - arrow still missing - I think there is a reward for the safe return.
Love the pics! I can't believe how much the boys have grown since the last time we saw them!
Hope you guys are having a nice weekend!
I just want to assure everyone that the arrow will never be found- and well, I'm a little bitter about it. Also, why are there no pictures of my face? I'm sure your blog would have alot more hits if you did. I'm not trying to be difficult, but do you have something against my girlfriend? Why can't she be in the slide show? Well, now that I've caused enough problems, I'll go!
So great to see the pics of the whole family especially of your sweet baby girl. Would love us all to get together again in the near future. God's blessings
Well..I hope he hasn't moved on..who will I spend a 12 hour jeepride with next time?? Haha I don't know how you didn't get any pics of me..I must have really been ontop of my game for those 2 weeks haha.