Ryleigh is getting so big!

Thanksgiving morning, Jason stayed home for a few hours. The boys wanted to play "chest", which is what Aiden calls chess. Jason
tries to teach them a few things, but mostly they just like that they are playing a "big kid" game with Daddy.

Ryleigh turned 4 months old this week! At her Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday she weighed 13 lbs. 14 1/2 oz. She rolled over for the first time Wednesday night and Jason was actually home to see it. He was so happy that he was home to witness one of her "firsts". Last night she grabbed Kyle's sippie cup and was trying to drink out it.

Here is Aiden's "pie". I gave him the leftover pie dough and he rolled this out himself and I let him make a cinnamon and sugar pie. He was so proud. He saved it for Daddy.

Here is the latest in the boys inventions. It is a trap for a dinosaur (they told me the name of the dinosaur that they have trapped, but I have no idea how to spell it). Underneath the bins is an upside down basket and there are two dinosaurs trapped in there. They have been poking at them with swords. On the chairs you can faintly see string tied from one chair to the other.

Aiden rolling out his pie.
hey erin, its so sad that all of you weren't here to spend thanksgiving with us. I love you all SO SO SO much.
G-MOM said now she knew who she could get to roll out her pie dough. We really liked the dinosaur fort. Bet the boys beat Jason in the game of chess.
Ryleigh sure is growing up.She will soon be helping the boys build a fort. We loved all the pictures.
Hey miss haveing you around for Thanksgiving! looking forward to the day when you guys will be up here, it's been way to long! Love all the pictures! Can't wait for Christmas!
Looks like Aiden is taking his pie crust rolling very seriously. ;)
Thanks for the update! ;)
Hey, I commented Friday AM and it never posted! Don't remember what I said! Anyway-glad to see your living room all messed up! That's what makes for good fun! I remember all the little pies you guys made with the same little rolling pin. Love the "chest" game picture: Jason and his boys! Tell Jason I'd drive down to pick him up too! And last, but certainly not least, Ryleigh looks like her personality is coming out. Can't wait to see her in action!
Those wiley lil' devils!... I've been trying to catch that same dinosaur for years!. Genius, why didn't I think of the chairs! I can only shake my head in disbelief... Oh bother....
We miss you guys!!!! I still need to send you those pictures...I'm getting as bad as you! :) You know I love you, Erin!
PS--now my myspace is complete with YOU as my friend.... :)
I love you, Erin. I know that they are more of a terror than the pictures show.
Love you,
I love reading your posts! And the pictures...my how they do grow. They are all adorable! I know, it's easy to say that while looking at pictures! =-)
Hope you all have a great Christmas!
Ryleigh looks like Jason in that picture. She is so cute and getting so big! I love the fort :)
Mom-mom Port says you need to add a picture of the dinosaur that is being trapped :)
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