And this one says "Because you are pretty" :) Most of the others said things like "because you are a good friend" or "you are a good hugger" :) I love to read or listen to what kids have to say.

Ryleigh throwing one of her shoes off while I was grocery shopping. Of course I did not notice until we were in line. Got back out of line, searched every aisle, could not find it. Paid for the groceries, put them in my car then went back in and got down on my hands and knees aisle after aisle, looking for the shoe under the shelves. (I got lots of looks - had to explain myself in every aisle, at least twice). Did not find the shoe until the LAST aisle. It was sitting on a display shelf.
Potty training at home and in every public restroom in a 15 mile radius.
Two busted lips.
2 swim lessons.
Getting corrected about my parenting skills from an older lady who has completely forgotten what it is like to have an almost 2 year old.
3 play dates.
1 goodbye party.
= One exhausted mom....... :)
Now, no need for comments or emails about how I need to treasure these days. I am trying!!! :)
I by no means claim to be good at making these little videos, so just bear with it! I even have one of the clips out of order, which I am sure someone will point out, but I didn't have the time to fix it. Like I said, I am not good at this.... I didn't take our video camera, just our camera that only takes 3 minute video clips. I had to put them together somehow so I wouldn't have to put up 5 different clips. :) And this video is really long, like 8 minutes. But, Daddy wanted to see it, so this is for him. :)
Kyle "Can we get a duck pet? From the duck store?"
Don't have anymore pictures, but have lots more funny sayings. Here are a few more:
Aiden "If you are thirsty and you can't find something to drink, just swallow your spit."
Aiden "Mom, you are so cute I want to eat you up!"
Overheard Kyle saying quietly to himself in a public place "Don't pass gas Kyle, don't pass gas Kyle!"
Kyle saw some ants in the garage and said "Do ants have parties and drink juice and dance?"
Kyle heard crickets outside one evening and asked what they were doing. Aiden told him "They are singing lullaby's to their sons and daughters."
Kyle "Mom! There is some poop in my underwear, but it is fake. Touch it mom, it IS fake!"
Kyle "You are a great mommy. You are a great mommy cause you have great hair."
Kyle "Nobody can skateboard on their head except Tony Hawk....well God can."
Kyle to Aiden as he throws something to him "Fetch Aiden!" Aiden's response "I am not a dog Kyle, I am a human."
Hope you enjoyed and this post brought a smile to your face! ~